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The Lettuce Masterclass
Grow Lettuce 52 weeks a year
Use the techniques and methods that Ray teaches in this online course to grow lettuce year-round in harsh environments.
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What students are saying...
“My lettuce game is way up, big props to this course. From propagation chamber varieties, spacing and bed prep.”
Neil Fortune
“The experience has been really good for me! I REALLY wish I had gone through this course before we ever started our farm. It would've saved us so much time, money, and headaches! At least we'll have a much better game plan going forward.”
Grant Shipley
“This class has helped nail down the loose ends of our summer lettuce production. We aren't perfect, but we try to get better every day! ”
Daniel Garcia
Learn from the Master
With over 12 years of experience growing lettuce in one of the most brutal environments in the US, Ray Tyler reveals his various methodologies and techniques he uses everyday to produce beautiful heads of lettuce each week.
Course Overview
Here are the different modules included in this course!

Getting Started

Variety & Propagation

Soil Fertility

Protected Culture

Irrigation Systems

Planting & Direct Seeding

Pests & Diseases

Harvest & Packing

Marketing & Selling

The Supply Catalog

Lettuce Trials

Bonus Content

With over 100 videos in our catalog, we offer a visually stimulating and informative course unlike any other.

PDFs are scattered throughout the class to provide graphs and takeaways for reference in the field.

We've placed worksheets in each chapter to help you retain the immense amount of information contained in the course.
Online Lettuce Community
Join up with other like-minded individuals also making their way through the course, compare notes and share your successes on our Lettuce Nation Forum.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:
How Much Does It Cost?
What is the Lettuce MasterClass?
The Lettuce Masterclass is an in-depth course to teach you everything under the sun about lettuce growing.
Will I Be Able To Speak Directly With Ray Tyler?
Ray can always be asked questions on The Lettuce Nation Forum and on our Facebook Group
How Do I Know If I Should Take This Course?
If you have a desire to grow happy and healthy lettuce and want any and all help you can possibly get, this course is right for you.
How Long Is The Course?
11.7 hours excluding bonus content. Longer than the typical workday.
What All Is Included?
158 lessons in 12 modules.
What If I've Got More Questions?
Feel free to contact us at this email address:
Grow Lettuce Year-round
Click below to sign up for the Lettuce Masterclass.